TOS094 Healing the Family #6 Men and Women

For audio only PPN

Final episode of the series “Healing the Family #6 – Men &Women” with host Patti Brunner.  For the ‘Men & Women’ episode we call upon St. Pope John Paul II’s teaching on the Theology of the Body.  Male and female human beings were designed to not only be partners but to be the image of the Trinity as children are conceived and life goes forth into the world.  Men and women are created with a spirit capable of joining with the Holy Spirit and so their union must be held as sacred.  Even among unmarried people their sexuality is still considered sacred.  The family was created in the image of the Holy Trinity and Satan hates this.  Satan has turned to fight against the human sexuality of created gender.  Destruction of the family is Satan’s goal.  St. Joseph did not allow lust to take root as he noticed the Virgin Mary’s inner and outer beauty.  The media today belittles the male role models of the family as stupid and lust-filled.  So what is the remedy when confusion reigns in your family?  Can purity be restored? 

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TOS093 Healing the Family #5 Relationships

For audio only: PPN

Healing the Family Part 5-Relationships”, Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner.  Lack of relationship causes families to crumble; how is it repaired? Work as hard as you possibly can, to bring Jesus and his Way into your relationship.  How?  This episode, using the Lord’s advice, takes a look at the virtues, the beatitudes, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. You are called to generously spend your time, talent and treasure with forgiveness and the love shown by Jesus.  And one person at a time the family and the world will be healed. 

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TOS091 Healing the Family #3- From The Inside

For audio only: PPN

Healing the Family-From the Inside is Part 3 of the Healing the Family series.   Many of the ones who have caused you pain are totally unaware of the effect certain actions have made on your life.  Truth of the Spirit provides answers for Healing the Family from the Inside with understanding, inner healing spiritual exercises, forgiveness and prayer.  Hurt and anger blinds people to the need to forgive. 

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TOS086 Lessons from the Prodigal Son

For audio only PPN

Join Patti Brunner to step inside the parable in Lessons from the Prodigal Son on Truth of the Spirit.  See how failure to identify the Father’s love puts us in a crisis situation.  Grow in understanding of the benefit of returning and approaching our Heavenly Father.  Consider the barriers that keep us from being open to God’s love.  Listen to more about God’s Love on the following Truth of the Spirit episodes: Basics of Faith VIII- Basics of Salvation [Playlist: Basics of Faith], Anointing of the Sick [Playlist: The Sacraments], Come to the Water Part 5 [Playlist: Fr. Philip Scott], “Does God Love Me?” [Playlist:  Life in the Spirit], Sharing Your Witness [Playlist:  Sharing the Abundant Life].


One time I was at a women’s retreat and our leader had us act out the parable of the Prodigal Son.  As we took turns playing the parts of the prodigal son, the other son his brother and the Father and the servants, I gained a new insight I had missed by reading the story in the bible.  It is truly the “living word”.  As I played the role of the father, I paced back and forth looking down the road for my son to return.  I had never considered the strong longing in the father’s heart for the son who had turned his back on his father and gone off to do his own thing.  And in that, I could comprehend how God desires our return to him, even though we have rejected his Presence.  Recently, the Lord has been teaching me even more about relationship with Him through this parable.

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TOS079 Truth about the Body of Christ with Rick Brunner

TOS079 Truth about the Body of Christ For audio only PPN

Rick Brunner speaks to the confusion about the “Truth about the Body of Christ” on this episode of “Truth of the Spirit” hosted by Patti Brunner.  Baptized Christians are in the body of Christ.  Using the Catechism and scripture, Rick brings clarity to these points:  1) One Baptism, one Lord, for all; 2) The judgment will be for sin not denomination; 3) The duty of a Catholic, who has been given fullness of truth; 4) The duty of other Christians who have been given a portion of truth yet fullness of life through Baptism; 5) The difficulties that men who are different find in sharing truth when truth is not understood because of training; 6) One in the Spirit; 7) Teaching of the Church concerning salvation for separated brothers and sisters in Christ.  He then will share some of his personal history with separated brothers and sisters in Christ when lack of truth and with truth.

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TOS069 Walk Among the Needy

TOS069 Walk Among the Needy 

With Patti Brunner.  When stress attacks the weak, the needy, it takes the intercession of others to bring the light of dawn into the situation.    Wherever you are in the world there is a need greater than your own.  Compared to most of the world, America is not poor.  But poverty of spirit does not use financial wealth or “need” as its barometer and measure.  The fruit of Christianity is a desire to take care of the needs of others. “Untold riches” is not based on money but on the Word of God.  Managing the taking care of the needy is a responsibility of the Church leaders and that sometimes it is an overwhelming task.

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TOS058 Basics of the Laity’s Role as Priest, Prophet and King

TOS058 Basics of Faith VI: Priest, Prophet, and King For audio  TOS058: Basics of Faith VI – Priest, Prophet, and King | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit to explore Basics of Faith with the Basics of the Laity’s Role as Priest, Prophet and King.  Jesus provides the example for us to lead an abundant life as Priest, Prophet, and King.  Jesus is the High Priest. There is a ministerial priesthood and a common priesthood.  A priest is someone who connects man to God and God to man.  According to our baptism, that is one of our duties as a Christian.  What’s a prophet?  A prophet is someone who hears the voice of God and shares what God says.  What is a King?  Someone in charge of others by royal birthright, and their duty is to protect, provide and expand the kingdom and to be a good steward.  Jesus gives us the example.

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TOS048 Subiaco Retreat with Fr Philip Part 5

TOS048 Come to the Water-Fr. Philip Scott Part V 

For audio TOS048: Come to the Water Part V – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for audio of Part 5 of the retreat given by Fr. Phillip Scott in Arkansas at Subiaco Coury House Retreat Center. In this portion of “Come to the Water”, Fr. Philip Scott’s focus is on Blessed Mother Mary and her motherhood, the help of saints, and benefits of adoration. 

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TOS039 Sacraments-Matrimony with Sheila Canup

TOS039 Sacraments–Matrimony with Sheila Canup 

For audio tos039 in podcasts | Listen Notes

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner welcomes Sheila Canup for a personal and truth-filled look at the Sacrament of Matrimony.  Sheila Canup explores the meaning of the Canon Law 1055 quote in the Catechism, “This covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.” 

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