TOS049 Conclusion Retreat with Fr Philip Scott-Come to the Water Part 6

TOS049 Conclusion Retreat with Fr. Philip Scott Come to the Water Part VI  For audio  TOS049: Conclusion Retreat with Fr. Phillip Scott – Come to the Water Part VI | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for the audio conclusion of Come to the Water retreat given by Fr. Philip Scott in Arkansas at Subiaco Coury House Retreat Center to the Arkansas Charismatic Leaders. 

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TOS048 Subiaco Retreat with Fr Philip Part 5

TOS048 Come to the Water-Fr. Philip Scott Part V 

For audio TOS048: Come to the Water Part V – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for audio of Part 5 of the retreat given by Fr. Phillip Scott in Arkansas at Subiaco Coury House Retreat Center. In this portion of “Come to the Water”, Fr. Philip Scott’s focus is on Blessed Mother Mary and her motherhood, the help of saints, and benefits of adoration. 

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TOS047 Retreat with Fr Philip Scott-Come to the Water Part 4

TOS047 Come to the Water-Fr. Philip Scott Part IV 

For audio TOS047: Come to the Water Part IV – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Join Patti Brunner and Truth of the Spirit for Part 4 of the retreat given by Fr. Phillip Scott in Arkansas at Subiaco Coury House Retreat Center.  In this episode of “Come to the Water”, Fr. Philip Scott describes the understanding of suffering that souls undergo within the Paschal Mystery. 

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TOS044 Subiaco Retreat with Fr. Phillip Scott Part 1

TOS044 Come to the Water-Fr. Philip Scott Part 1 

For audio TOS044: Come to the Water Part I – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

 Join Patti Brunner for Truth of the Spirit and a new series that will include audio excerpts of the retreat given by Fr. Phillip Scott at the beautiful Subiaco Monastery in Arkansas on October 26-29, 2018, for the leaders of the Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Renewal.  The theme for the retreat is “Come to the Water”.  In this first episode of the series, Fr. Philip Scott, challenges us to imagine one day on earth without sin and leads toward a “doctor degree” in trust. 

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TOS030 Healing Prayer with Lissa Applewhite

TOS030 Healing Prayer with Lissa Applewhite (Part 5) for audio: TOS030: Healing Prayer – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

Our God is a God of Healing, He desires us to be whole. God provides healing in his words.  In Proverbs 40:20-23, “Pay attention to what I say, turn your ear to my word, don’t let out of your sight; keep them in your heart, for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”  Lissa Applewhite suggests that various words of scripture are God’s “medicine” for our healing, our restoration, and our continued health!  Reading and memorizing these scriptures allow these words to sink deep into mind and spirit but if we go a step further by proclaiming these words out loud they become action!  Action speaks louder than words! 

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TOS024 Healing and Gifts of the Spirit

TOS024 Healing and Gifts of the Spirit with Patti Brunner

for Audio:TOS024: Healing and Gifts of the Spirit – Truth of the Spirit (podcast) | Listen Notes

This episode of Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner, Healing and Gifts of the Spirit, will explain the application of the gifts as used in healing.  It includes personal testimony to instill the hope that all Christians can be open to spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit and that the purpose of these gifts are to edify the Church to prepare it for the ultimate healing in eternal life.  As we read the scriptures we can see that Jesus taught us how to use these gifts of grace. 

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