TOS316 Healing School-Session 1

All are invited to join us for our Healing Schools. Teachings are from “The Lord Healed Them All” Healing Ministry Manual.  The sessions of the Healing School include: Building Faith in the Healing of Jesus, Praying for Physical and Inner Healing, Overcoming Barriers to Healing, Sacred Scriptures, Church Teaching, and Practical Instructions.  Notes especially the scriptural references from Session 1 are given below following information about the Healing School instructor and the Healing School.

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TOS269 Ask for Healing OR Just Offer It Up

Patti Brunner discusses the answer to “Ask for Healing OR Just Offer It Up?”  The idea of ‘redemptive suffering’ cause some to “offer it up” instead of asking for healing. Patti Brunner has served the Lord in the healing ministry for over 20 years. For Audio, Video, and transcript please continue reading.

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TOS206 Alan Ames Healing Service in Arkansas

Truth of the Spirit invites you to a Healing Service with speaker Alan Ames who is known for his charismatic gifts of Healing and Prophecy.  Alan Ames speaks at the St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Rogers, Arkansas, in his rich Australian accent, to share God’s gift of healing with them and with you.  Host Patti Brunner presents this episode TOS206 Alan Ames Healing Service in Arkansas to help you understand the charismatic Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Continue reading for audio, video and more information.

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TOS128 Epidemic of Emotional Outbursts

Epidemic of Emotional Outbursts; For audio podcast PPN

Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner addresses the Epidemic of Emotional Outbursts. The epidemic of emotional outbursts has caused violence in our streets and vile statements in our media, especially social media. The current political arenas appear out of control due to the raging emotions. People are affected by twisted truth and falsely believe that ‘outburst’ is the answer that will give them resolution and peace. Truth of the Spirit offers a calming approach of releasing emotions to God. During turbulent times we need solid foundations to stand firm against the flood of emotional outbursts. We need the solid teachings of Jesus.

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TOS118 Inner Healing and Freedom

Inner Healing and Freedom; For audio only PPN;

Truth of the Spirit
 with Patti Brunner brings you Inner Healing and Freedom. Examples will help you identify your own need for Inner Healing and Freedom. When you go against the base of salvation it can cause various issues in your life. It steals your peace, it can destroy your faith, it can affect your body, it can cost you your very life—your eternal life.

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TOS117 Overcoming and Healing Rejection

Overcoming and Healing Rejection; For audio only PPN;

Truth of the Spirit hosted by Patti Brunner shares God’s wisdom and healing of rejection through the charism of prophecy. Basically, rejection is rooted in a child’s desire to be loved and approved. Earthly parents know not what they do as they fail to show love to their children. However, rejection is not a lack of love—it is a lack of truth. Listen through to the end of this episode for a special healing prayer. 

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TOS116 Let Day Dawn Upon Us

Let Day Dawn Upon Us ; For audio only PPN

Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner shares a message of hope from the Lord with “Let Day Dawn Upon Us”.  The current darkness will dissipate with the dawn of a new day that is promised by the Lord.  What is your part?  Are you a gatekeeper? Be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Allow joy to return into your heart.  As you seek good—good will follow.  As you seek God, you will find Him! 

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TOS094 Healing the Family #6 Men and Women

For audio only PPN

Final episode of the series “Healing the Family #6 – Men &Women” with host Patti Brunner.  For the ‘Men & Women’ episode we call upon St. Pope John Paul II’s teaching on the Theology of the Body.  Male and female human beings were designed to not only be partners but to be the image of the Trinity as children are conceived and life goes forth into the world.  Men and women are created with a spirit capable of joining with the Holy Spirit and so their union must be held as sacred.  Even among unmarried people their sexuality is still considered sacred.  The family was created in the image of the Holy Trinity and Satan hates this.  Satan has turned to fight against the human sexuality of created gender.  Destruction of the family is Satan’s goal.  St. Joseph did not allow lust to take root as he noticed the Virgin Mary’s inner and outer beauty.  The media today belittles the male role models of the family as stupid and lust-filled.  So what is the remedy when confusion reigns in your family?  Can purity be restored? 

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TOS093 Healing the Family #5 Relationships

For audio only: PPN

Healing the Family Part 5-Relationships”, Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner.  Lack of relationship causes families to crumble; how is it repaired? Work as hard as you possibly can, to bring Jesus and his Way into your relationship.  How?  This episode, using the Lord’s advice, takes a look at the virtues, the beatitudes, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. You are called to generously spend your time, talent and treasure with forgiveness and the love shown by Jesus.  And one person at a time the family and the world will be healed. 

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TOS092 Healing the Family #4 Beyond our Control

For audio only: PPN

Truth in the Spirit offers you Healing the Family Part 4 Beyond Our Control with host Patti Brunner.  Beyond our control, what does that mean?  It is realizing that bad things happen to good people and the innocent suffer.   It’s when death comes early.  What in your family is beyond your control?  Something less permanent than death?

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