Week #2 of a Life in the Spirit held Sep-Oct 2022. Speaker Patti Brunner of Patriarch Ministries shares “Equipping the People with God’s Gifts and Charisms” on this Truth of the Spirit series. Prayer by Dale Johnson, Introduction by Rick Brunner. Presented Oct 6, 2022, at Patriarch House, Rogers, AR. For audio player, video link or script please continue reading.
The Discernment of Spirits Explained-A Charism of Revelation will help you identify the move of God and the move of evil in your lives. Host Patti Brunner shares teaching on Discernment of Spirits from the Lord and others as she provides training in this charism of the Holy Spirit on Truth of the Spirit. For audio player, video link and script please continue reading.
In 25 years of ministry using the charism of the Gift of Tongues, we consistently are judged “weird” by fellow Catholics. This gift is referenced about 35 times in the New Testament. Truth of the Spirit explores “Speaking in Tongues—the Weird Charism” and we hope that someday all will pray in angelic tongues, not just in heaven but as they prepare to share the Good News. For script, audio player and video link please continue reading.
The power gifts from the Holy Spirit include Faith, Miracles, and Healing. The followers of Christ who believe are instructed to use these power gifts to build up the Church. Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner shares a recent healing and teaching about these important gifts of grace including teaching from the Lord and from Bishop Sam Jacobs and Fr. Stephen Barham. For audio, video and script please continue reading.
Patti Brunner shares the use of the wonderful charism of Expression of Wisdom as she prayed for a young boy who is healed from life-threatening bone cancer. Truth of the Spirit explains this wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit in “Word of Wisdom Charism of the Holy Spirit”. For audio player, video link, and for the script please continue reading.
The charism Expressions of Knowledge can address the needs of the person receiving prayer and thus overcome obstacles that can block various types of healing through information shared by the Holy Spirit to the Church. Truth of the Spirit with host Patti Brunner discusses this and more in Word of Knowledge Charism of the Holy Spirit. For video and audio links or to read the script please continue reading.
Truth of the Spirit. Patti Brunner discusses Pentecost-Inheritance of the Holy Spirit. Do you ever wonder if it is even possible for the third person of the Holy Trinity to dwell within us? Jesus is our proof. The gifts of the Holy Spirit that manifested in Jesus prove the Holy Spirit in “man“. The Spirit makes sure the inheritance continues special gifts, those gifts of grace called charisms by the Church. They are to be requested, received and shared.
Join Patti Brunner for Confirmation, from the new Truth of the Spirit series “The Eucharist and Other Sacraments”. This first episode introduces the concept of sacrament and begins with the Sacrament of Confirmation. The flow of the Spirit and the Spirit’s gifts is taught by the Catechism to take root at the decision to be open to God. The sacraments –the signs-of initiation of Baptism and Confirmation witness the choice and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Patti Brunner finds truth within the Catechism; the truth is potential. Each person who receives the sign of the Presence of God among us receives the potential to change the world. Week by week, day by day, hour by hour, the Holy Spirit dwells within those confirmed in the faith. This indelible mark is eternal; it should be clearly visible by the life led by those who have received it. The sign provides power and strength to wall always in the grace of the Lord.