Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner shares St. Paul and the Corinthians. St. Paul did not follow Jesus but met him is a supernatural encounter. From the day of this conversion he became one the Church’s most important evangelizers and his writings are more than half of the New Testament. His letter to the Corinthians continues to instruct us today.
Truth of the Spirit. Patti Brunner discusses Pentecost-Inheritance of the Holy Spirit. Do you ever wonder if it is even possible for the third person of the Holy Trinity to dwell within us? Jesus is our proof. The gifts of the Holy Spirit that manifested in Jesus prove the Holy Spirit in “man“. The Spirit makes sure the inheritance continues special gifts, those gifts of grace called charisms by the Church. They are to be requested, received and shared.
Did you know that you can hear the voice of the Lord? Truth of the Spirit’s Listening to the Voice of the Lord with host Patti Brunner shares that when the Lord speaks directly to your heart there is a different level of understanding; the Holy Spirit gives gifts of wisdom and understanding that come alive when the Lord speaks his word personally to you. The communication between God and Man is made possible first by the connection of the Holy Spirit, speaking within the heart, and secondly, through the heart that desires to hear.
TOS068 Patti Brunner found some news she wants to share, some history that started on the First Pentecost and through a prompting by the Holy Spirit, continues today. She discovered history written, and she listened to those who received the Holy Spirit and shared what was given. Today what she received, she shares with you
Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner welcomes Rick Brunner for this episode about supernatural prayer of praying in Tongues. Praying in Tongues is easy and very helpful. The person does need good teaching and usually someone to help them begin. It is part of the Church’s Baptismal gifts. And unlike the other supernatural gifts of the Spirit which are given to different people as the Holy Spirit wills, this gift seems to be for everyone. Therefore we encourage all to receive it. St Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:5 that “Now I should like all of you to speak in tongues.”
This episode of Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner, Healing and Gifts of the Spirit, will explain the application of the gifts as used in healing. It includes personal testimony to instill the hope that all Christians can be open to spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit and that the purpose of these gifts are to edify the Church to prepare it for the ultimate healing in eternal life. As we read the scriptures we can see that Jesus taught us how to use these gifts of grace.
A Word of Knowledge is a personal revelation concerning an event of the past. This revelation can be used to trigger a memory that needs to surface so that healing can take place. Sometimes the word can reveal something unknown except to the person receiving prayer that when revealed then builds faith in the Lord’s love and personal care so that healing can take place. These words can guide the prayer leaders to then address particular needs of the person receiving prayer and thus overcome obstacles that can block various types of healing.
Words of Wisdom work closely with Words of Knowledge because they provide the ongoing discernment of revealing and praying the truth. These do not reveal past issues but rather are in the ‘now’ and coming events.
TOS013 Charisms of Miracles and Healing with Patti Brunner Extraordinary Gifts of Grace Series
Often the gifts of Miracles and Healing are related when a person in need asks the Lord for his merciful grace to bring healing to a great infirmity in their lives. They also relate to those things that cannot be accomplished through ordinary means. Healing is the most sought-after charism and easiest to accept by those who trust in the Lord. The best starting place for understanding our call to minister and receive healing is to study Jesus. What did Jesus think about healing? To listen to this episode on YouTube or to read the script please continue below.
The Gift of Prophecy is a supernatural communication from God to an individual or a group of believers. It is an anointing given by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 14: 1 “Make love your aim, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.” NAB Prophecy is speaking of the mind and heart of God to His people. God’s voice is gentle and strong, listen for love in it. His voice brings peace. Rarely does He use a burning bush, chariots of fire or a thundering voice to speak to you.
Described by St. Paul as the least of the gifts, this unusual gift is very helpful for all Christians. This episode will answer many of your questions about the charism of Tongues and help you to receive this gift of the Holy Spirit.