Truth of the Spirit episode ‘Did God Say That?” helps you to recognize God’s voice. Patti Brunner provides several spiritual exercises for listening to the Lord to encourage you to know that the Lord wants you to hear his voice. To watch or listen to this episode or to read the transcript blog please continue reading.
Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner continues the God’s Plan series with Child of God Blueprint of God’s Plan. The revelation of God as our Father was hidden in the Old Testament and revealed by Jesus, the Son of God. In Him we, too, can call God “Father” because we are adopted by him through the grace of the Holy Spirit. For the video, audio or the script please continue reading.
Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner examines 1 Corinthians for more of God’s Blueprint of his plan for us. St. Paul wrote to the personal needs of Catholic Church at Corinth. He then shared a bit of God’s blueprint for discerning the gifts of the Spirit which is intimate and dear. Look at Corinthians. Look and you will find a Blueprint of God’s Plan Discerning the Gifts of the Spirit. For the video, audio or the script please continue reading.
Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner describes God’s plan of the Tabernacle, especially the plans for the Holy of Holies and the High Priest, which is revealed in the Old Testament book of Exodus and the New Testament book of Hebrews.TOS171 Holy of Holies & Hebrews – Blueprint of God’s Plan helps find God’s Plan for you when we look for the combination of the teaching from of old fulfilled in Christ then consider the meaning for each of the members of Christ’s Body. For video and audio links or to read the transcript please continue reading below.
Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner follows the Lord’s prompting to take passages of scripture and discern its meaning for daily life. This episode is “Ephesians- Blueprint of God’s Plan”. Paul received a personal ‘download’ of God’s Plan as Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Paul’s unique wisdom and wit is the flavor given in this letter. His sense of urgency, especially in the instructions for the spiritual battle is clear. For the video, audio, or to read the script of this episode please continue reading below.
The Shadow of God – Psalm 23’s Blueprint for Discerning God’s Plan for Us takes the scripture of Psalm 23 and others to show how the Good Shepherd reveals God’s plan for us. For links for audio and video and for the script please continue reading.
Truth of the Spirit presents Prophecy of Encouragement Despite Turmoil with Patti Brunner. It shares words from the Lord to discern during the current chaotic times to find peace. Michael the Archangel and the Blessed Mother comfort us in times of turmoil especially when there are wars and rumors of war.
Truth of the Spirit offers the episode: “Prophetic Word of Fragrance & Fire”. As the New Year started Patti Brunner began writing in her journal during adoration. That’s when the Lord told her to say something to his children, to you. They are very exciting words!
Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner shares St. Paul and the Corinthians. St. Paul did not follow Jesus but met him is a supernatural encounter. From the day of this conversion he became one the Church’s most important evangelizers and his writings are more than half of the New Testament. His letter to the Corinthians continues to instruct us today.
Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner episode “Covenant and Commitment”. The theme of covenant is strong in the entire bible as it describes God’s relationship with his people and what He has agreed to do, what He has promised to do. As you walk the path of salvation, you first accept grace as faith, then you are baptized into covenant. This covenant relationship allows you to receive grace and understanding, blessing and gifts of the Father. A covenant is different than a contract. If one person breaks a contract it becomes null and void. Not so with a covenant. It remains valid.
Other episodes to deepen your understanding of Covenant and Commitment: