Truth of the Spirit hosted by Patti Brunner brings you a remarkable description of the miraculous cloak of Juan Diego in Our Lady of Guadalupe Part 2 – The Codex of the Tilma. Since the Aztecs had no written language, the miraculous image was like a book or codex to those who understood the Aztec culture. Juanita Salazar Lamb takes us on a journey of the images on the Tilma, explaining the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was given not just the Aztecs on December 12, 1531, but to all generations who continue to gaze upon it.
Join Patti Brunner for the Truth of the Spirit’s “Songs of Meaning in the Mass” The sacred music sung during a Eucharistic Celebration “is not an accessory or embellishment of the liturgy, but is the liturgy itself.” The ancient songs of scripture: ‘Holy, Holy’, ‘Glory to God in the Highest’ and Psalms are offered as proclamation and prayer; music joined to the Word of God is meant to draw people into an encounter with the living Word of God, who is Christ. Music is a gift of God that opens for us a glimpse of God’s glory. Sacred song “cooperates in nourishing and expressing the faith and, therefore, in glorifying God and sanctifying the faithful.” When you hear singing during the Mass, it is never “filler” or a time to let yourself to be distracted. It is always a key moment of the liturgy.
Truth of the Spirit episode, Eve – God’s First Woman with host Patti Brunner, reminds us that Adam needed a helper who, like him, was also in the image of God. Eve’s story is told to us in two different stories in the Old Testament book of the bible, Genesis. The first man was made from the dust of the earth but the first woman was made of the perfect genetic material of God’s creation of humanity. Isn’t it interesting that the first sign of the effect of sin, the first sign of imperfection is the need to cover up? We could guess that Eve’s first clothing line was named “fear”. Before they sinned they were covered by the glory of God. Discover how God covered them after the first sin.
Join Patti Brunner to step inside the parable in Lessons from the Prodigal Son on Truth of the Spirit. See how failure to identify the Father’s love puts us in a crisis situation. Grow in understanding of the benefit of returning and approaching our Heavenly Father. Consider the barriers that keep us from being open to God’s love. Listen to more about God’s Love on the following Truth of the Spirit episodes: Basics of Faith VIII- Basics of Salvation [Playlist: Basics of Faith], Anointing of the Sick [Playlist: The Sacraments], Come to the Water Part 5 [Playlist: Fr. Philip Scott], “Does God Love Me?” [Playlist: Life in the Spirit], Sharing Your Witness [Playlist: Sharing the Abundant Life].
One time I was at a women’s retreat and our leader had us act out the parable of the Prodigal Son. As we took turns playing the parts of the prodigal son, the other son his brother and the Father and the servants, I gained a new insight I had missed by reading the story in the bible. It is truly the “living word”. As I played the role of the father, I paced back and forth looking down the road for my son to return. I had never considered the strong longing in the father’s heart for the son who had turned his back on his father and gone off to do his own thing. And in that, I could comprehend how God desires our return to him, even though we have rejected his Presence. Recently, the Lord has been teaching me even more about relationship with Him through this parable.
The Tabernacle of the Lord with host Patti Brunner takes a distinctive gaze at tabernacles in Catholic Churches, the Mosaic tabernacle of the Old Testament and the tabernacle of the heart of the baptized. The tabernacle of Moses in the desert was a foreshadowing of the joy that now takes place not in the desert tent but everywhere that the people of God dwell. The ‘real’ tabernacle comes down from heaven; it is Jesus, true God true Man. For video, audio, or to read the script, please continue reading below.
Are your favorite saints a football team? In this episode of Truth of the Spirit Patti Brunner looks at the False gods that we have allowed into our homes and how the first commandment of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob continues to be relevant today. “I am the Lord your God, you shall not have false gods before Me” There doesn’t have to be a Buddha on your night stand to have false gods in your house. It is attitude and time spent and the priority in our life we give to things. What do you treasure with your whole heart, soul & mind? Does your treasure love you back? God loves us. God loves us even when we turn away from him and the great I AM is always waiting for our return.
The Patriarchs show a way to seek God and to share our lives with him. On Truth of the Spirit, host Patti Brunner discusses the Patriarchs of the Old Testament starting with Abraham, our Father of Faith, and then continue the blood line. I’m going to tell their story. I will show you how they foreshadow Christ and the Church. The Lord chose one man and then touched members of his family as faith continues to be handed down to the generations. This model is used over and over throughout history and is the basis for our Church. As Abraham connected with God and lives were changed so, too, those of the modern world.
Rick Brunner speaks to the confusion about the “Truth about the Body of Christ” on this episode of “Truth of the Spirit” hosted by Patti Brunner. Baptized Christians are in the body of Christ. Using the Catechism and scripture, Rick brings clarity to these points: 1) One Baptism, one Lord, for all; 2) The judgment will be for sin not denomination; 3) The duty of a Catholic, who has been given fullness of truth; 4) The duty of other Christians who have been given a portion of truth yet fullness of life through Baptism; 5) The difficulties that men who are different find in sharing truth when truth is not understood because of training; 6) One in the Spirit; 7) Teaching of the Church concerning salvation for separated brothers and sisters in Christ. He then will share some of his personal history with separated brothers and sisters in Christ when lack of truth and with truth.
Final episode of the Lenten Logos series on Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner. Jesus came upon the earth to restore you to the heavenly kingdom. Jesus came to give freedom to the captives—even those who have created their own prison and those who are oblivious to the fact that they are not free in their lives. The difficulty with living your life in the world is that you were created for eternity. The world can never satisfy in the ‘long run’. You worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?” Jesus tells us, “Seek ye first The Kingdom of God and all this will be given unto you.”
God’s Divine Mercy knows no bounds. We compare Divine Mercy to an ocean of grace, but the depths of the oceans only hint at the magnitude. God’s mercy provides the Way for us. It is narrow but it is not boring and it is not constrictive. Our God delights in our use of imagination and designed freewill for the fullness of life. How do we find God’s Divine Mercy? Seek the grace and the joy of the day—for this is the day the Lord has made! It is uniquely designed for us and for this moment in history. Call upon the name of Jesus and your prayers will be heard.