Truth of the Spirit Posts #300 Episode!

Since February 2018, Patriarch Ministries, Truth of the Spirit, Padua Media and Padua Podcast Network have been working together to bring an international spiritual ministry of encouragement, formation, revelation, and more! We are happy to have reached a milestone of 300 episodes on March 23, 2023. Join us in thanking the Lord for the grace to provide theses podcasts and videos.

Happy 5th Anniversary Truth of the Spirit Podcast 2018-2023

We celebrate our 5th anniversary by reaching 350,000 views on YouTube! We have 6,329 subscribers who can watch our episodes on our free YouTube channel. Listen Notes continues to rank our audio podcast in the top ten percent world-wide. Padua Podcast Network Podtrac reports audio global downloads of 15,802.

We thank our production team, Padua Podcast Network, and all our listeners and viewers! All of our 270+ posted episodes are accessible on our website to listen, watch, and read.

News Update 4-30-2022

With our YouTube ministry we passed the milestone of 6000 subscribers with 315,449 views around the world. Our audio podcast is tracking at 11,791 downloads. We thank the Lord for this ministry and for calling people to listen to Truth of the Spirit.

Goal Met on Truth of the Spirit! 12-22-2021

On December 19, 2021, we exceeded our goal of 300,000 views on YouTube since we started February 18, 2018. We thank our 5859 channel subscribers for watching and for all those who discovered our episodes just when they needed to hear from the Lord on a special subject. Our viewers have logged 48K hours. Podtrac reported 10,131 unique audio podcast downloads during this period for Truth of the Spirit. Thank you, Padua Podcast Network, and all who have contributed time and talent to our productions.

On December 25, 2021, Truth of the Spirit posts our 190th episode on YouTube, Audio Podcast sites, and this website,, the last episode for 2021. To get ready for our upcoming 200th episode, the Lord has encouraged us to look back to ten of our earliest productions and revisit these important topics in an updated format. Please join us and share us with others in your favorite media.

News Update 2-28-21

Newsflash! Patriarch Ministries has launched a new website! If you are viewing on your phone, better viewing is available by turning your phone horizontally. Lots of new Menu items for you to enjoy. Use the “Categories” or “Search” to find what interests you! Click “continue reading” for other news and some playlist suggestions!

Continue reading “News Update 2-28-21”

TOS000 Truth of the Spirit Introduction

Our podcast  “Truth of the Spirit” is based on the promise of Jesus in the Gospel of John Chapter 16: 13 to send us the Spirit of truth,  to guide us to all truth.”  Using personal experiences with the Holy Spirit and teachings of the Catholic Church, we will help you to better understand truth, the truth that brings an abundant and everlasting life.    

We have grouped the various series and subject matter in “Series & Playlists” in the menu by category. Check out our “Series & Playliststo find various series on basics of faith and supernatural basics available to help you live an abundant life in the Spirit. These are also listed at the side of your page.

Every episode is listed in “TOS Podcasts” in our menu in chronological order. Each episode includes a blog and access to video and audio. “Tagged” at the end of each will link you to other episodes of similar subject matter or speakers. “Posted In” information will link you to episodes in the same the category.

Also on the side Archives of all postings are accessible based on the dates the episodes were originally published.

We hope you subscribe (free), click the notification bell, and come back for more. With the Holy Spirit there’s always more!