Nov-B Season of Forever

Season of Forever is based on the Sunday liturgical readings of the 31st week through Christ the King of Year B.  The choices we make now impact eternity.  The second coming, the judgement is coming to everyone.  The scriptures of this Season of Forever make this clear.  God’s mercy gives the gift of time so that more shall choose to change their ways through Christ’s intercession and the prayers of the faithful.  The Church celebrates All Saints Day, All Souls Day and the feast of Christ the King during these last few weeks of the Church Year B.

To Listen audio: Season of Forever

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LSC-B Oct Season of Vocation

Patti’s Wedding Day with her Mother

Season of Vocation is based on the Sunday liturgical readings of the 27-30th weeks of Ordinary Time of Year B that occurs in the month of October.  It discusses Marriage, Priesthood and beyond. All of the Gospels come from the 10th Chapter of Mark. This Living Seasons of Change program includes the 27th to 30th Sundays of Ordinary Time. The hosts are Msgr. David LeSieur and Patti Brunner. It was originally broadcast on Padua Radio and produced by Padua Media.

To Listen audio: Season of Vocations For more information or to read the script please continue reading.

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LSC-B Sept Season of the Mark of Discipleship

Hosts of Living Seasons of Change

The Mark of Discipleship.  The 22nd to the 26th weeks of Ordinary Time of Year B.  The Gospels come from the 7th, 8th and 9th chapters of Mark.  Our second reading comes from the New Testament letter of James. Living Seasons of Change radio show was hosted by Patti Brunner with Msgr. David LeSieur and was broadcast on PaduaMedia Radio, KDUA. Those who follow Jesus are marked by Baptism.  Christians, as “Marked Man” are targets for those who do not accept the truth.  Thus true disciples are ‘tested’ by the unbelievers—the rejecters of the kingdom.  When you walk in the Way of the Lord:  Serving, healing, with humility and justice, you might face hardship and trial but you will always receive the final recompense—eternal life within the Kingdom of God. 

To Listen audio: Season of Mark of Discipleship Continue reading for more information and the script of this broadcast.

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Season of Living Bread

LSC-August B – Season of Living Bread. Living Seasons of Change with Msgr. David LeSieur and Patti Brunner share the truth of the Living Word and the Living Bread. The 18-21st weeks of Ordinary Time in August Year B are grouped with John’s Gospel of the Truth of the Living Word—the sacrifice shared, the nourishment for the journey into the kingdom and the fullness of the Presence of God.  You, too, can receive the same bread made present. The readings reveal both the preparation through the Old Testament for this gift and the miracles ground work. Please continue reading for the video [ slide show], audio, or to read the script and references for this episode of Living Seasons of Change.  Also included below are the Scripture Readings for the 18-21 Weeks of Ordinary Time.

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Season of Patterns

Hosts of Living Seasons of Change

LSC-July B – Season of Patterns. In this month’s liturgy we get His pattern through the prophets; not only in  how they are similar but how they are different.  Our Gospels give us a blueprint of ministry to follow.  The Living Seasons of Change broadcast “Season of Patterns” includes the  14th to 17th Sundays of Ordinary Time of Year B. Hosted by Patti Brunner with Msgr. David LeSieur. For audio link and the script and references please continue reading.

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Season of Signs

LSC-B  June B Season of Signs includes Trinity Sunday, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus and the 12th and 13th Sundays of Ordinary Time Year B. Hosted by Patti Brunner with Monsignor David LeSieur. Living Seasons of Change radio show.

Season of Signs radio show reveals the signs of the kingdom that manifest. Revelation of the Trinity—difficult to comprehend but easy to call upon in the prayer at baptism—is a sign of the kingdom.  So is the lifeline of the Body and Blood of Jesus—this, for all eternity, brings unity between the Father and his children.  As we look outside the Gospel signs (evidence) we pull forth the signs and wonders offered by Paul, Peter and the prophets of old.  Each manifestation builds faith.  Faith then builds Hope and trust.  All lead to the comprehension of God’s love—the goal.    As we recognize the love between the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit – we can better understand that the Holy Spirit brings the unity of worshipers, of followers of Christ, with God.

To Listen audio: Season of Signs

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Season of Power

May Year B. The Season of Power reveals the manifested power given by Christ through the authority of his name and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  As Jesus ascends to the Father He sends us the Holy Spirit that we might be one with him and the Father.  The signs of believers show God’s power and a conversion of heart.  The readings include the 4th-7th Sundays of Easter, the Ascension and Pentecost. Living Seasons of Change was hosted by Patti Brunner with Msgr. David LeSieur on KDUA-fm.

 To Listen audio: Season of Power

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Season of Witness

April B – Season of Witness with Msgr. David LeSieur and Patti Brunner.  During Easter, the Passion and Holy Week we witness redemption, transformation, Eucharist and sacrifice. This LSC episode takes us from Palm Sunday through Holy Week, Easter, Mercy Sunday and the Third Sunday of Easter. To listen to the audio or read the transcript and other reference material please continue reading.

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