TOS307 Day 37 Daily Meditations for Lent with Patti Brunner-Thursday of Week 5

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I am your host, Patti Brunner.  Today is day 37 of “Daily Meditations for Lent”.  We gathered personal revelations for you especially those given on Thursdays of the 5th week of Lent for you to discern and to help you grow “in closeness to the Lord through truth, repentance, and the word of God moving into fullness within your heart.”

I heard the Lord say on Thursday of the 5th week of Lent, “My child, fear holds the tongue of many who long to speak of the Lord’s goodness in their life.  You, yourself, have felt the barriers between light and darkness—between ‘truth’ and cordiality’.  Lift up your hearts, O daughters, lift up your eyes towards the Kingdom of Peace, of spirit and light!

The Lord said, “The world drifts along.  My people suffer and die—die a selfish death.  Yet I call them to live and share my life I give so freely.  Give My Life to others.  I call you to do this, open the door for my grace.  I will fill their hearts if they are open to my love, my Spirit.  Power of the Spirit manifests to open the hearts to Me and to allow my love to work through you and those open to the working of the Spirit.”  Then the Lord told me, “Know this – all gifts will pass away except Love.”

On Thursday of the 5th week of Lent the Lord gave these words of comfort, “My child, in your distress you seek the face of the Lord.  This is good.  Come my child and I will give you rest.  It is for all that my Word is given, is spoken, is written.

I do not exclude—the people themselves turn their backs to Me, ignoring the grace and love I send, the grace and love I pour out.  Be comforted my Child.  Be free.  Let the Word of God give you freedom.”

The Lord said more about rest on another Thursday 5th week Lent, “All things will happen in good order and shall stand the test of time.  My grace is sufficient.  Come unto Me all who are burdened, and I shall give you rest.  My rest is not the rest of this world, with your feet up and your shoes kicked off—My rest is one of complete peace even in the midst of activity.  Sweet child, you are mine and I show you the way.  Dwell in Me, be one with Me, and your heart shall be at “rest” and my peace shall be yours.”

Recently the Lord taught how to overcome the sin of resentment.  He said, “Do you want to hear?  Do you want to see?  Turn your face toward Me.  Resentment turns your eyes away from Me.  When you are offended it is human nature to feel some hurt and pain.  It would be the same as if someone hit your toe with a hammer.  You would have an immediate response and there would be lingering pain as you recover from the injury.  Resentment” says the Lord, “is when you recall the pain after it has subsided and make it present again.  This is more serious than the immediate response. Some build up a tolerance to pain by shutting off the heart and by avoidance.”

The Lord continued, “Remember:  this is the day I have made.  Rejoice and be glad in it.  You do not have to intentionally put yourself in harm’s way—those situations that are likely to cause resentment, but you should not cut off interaction.  I Am who Am and I have a purpose for all things under the heavens.  Next time resentment boils up inside you, look at your toe.  Is it throbbing?  Look at the situation that caused the resentment and look for the hammer.  Pray for that person or thing.  Pray for the lay down of the hammer.  See in its place a bible—the Word of God.  Then let the Word of God penetrate your heart, mind and body.”

The Lord asks us during Lent, “My child, when you hear the word ‘forgiveness’ what do you think about? …  I want you to take this a step farther: “Forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us.”  The important teaching here is the act of forgiving those who have harmed you.” 

The Lord said, “My child, the continuation of the trials and tribulations are soon swallowed by the victory of the resurrection.”

The Lord said, ‘My sweet love, the chaos in the world is a pattern well known.  Despair, pain, uncertainty, confusion – these traits are sown and ‘fertilized ‘ by my enemy.  Sweet child, enter into my Presence and be set free.  Bring with you the children who are hurting.” 

The Lord said, “My Child, the difficulty in knowing the will of the Lord is that your own thoughts, your own heart’s desires, your own will has the majority.  You must empty self to receive the fullness of Christ, of the kingdom.”

The Lord said, “My child, forget not the benefits of prayer and petition.  Ask and you shall receive.  As you cooperate with the Will of God, you will see miracles and the expansion of the kingdom.”

The Lord told me, “My child, the children of the world will one day look upon their Master and Creator and be blessed in the fullness of understanding of His Love for them.  In these days it is difficult for many to lift the veil that separates truth and light from darkness and sin.  One moment of truth destroys the darkness accumulated in a lifetime.  My child, know this, I have come to bring freedom to the captives of darkness.  I have come to bring Light and Life into the world so that once again the Father’s love will be held deeply within the hearts of those He has created.”

Praise be to the Lord!  You have been listening to Truth of the Spirit for Thursday of the 5th week of Lent.  This Lent, the Lord has more to tell us about finding hope. Listen to Him!   Remember: “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.[i]”  Easter is coming!  “Prepare for it, ready your heart.”  The transcript of this episode is available at  Come back tomorrow for more.  With the Holy Spirit there’s always more.  Amen.

[i] Ephesians 1:7;  Psalm 130:7