TOS101 Prophetic Word for this Season: Pray!

TOS101 Prophetic Word for this Season–Pray!; For audio only PPN

Truth of the Spirit with Patti Brunner shares a Prophetic Word for this Season—Pray! This is her Word from the Lord to share with you this season:  Pray!  Pray, pray.  This word has been given several times in history in times such as ours.  Truth of the Spirit encourages you pray for yourself and others so to give glory to God and serve your brothers and sisters in Christ. Be forgiving towards the mistakes and weakness and failings of those around you and of your own.  Jesus’ forgiveness is an example to follow.  “Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.” Pray! Ask God to lead them along the pathways of justice and righteousness.

Note: This episode contains personal revelation. We invite you to discern it, as is prudent with all private revelation, to help your spiritual growth.


Prayer can seem to be a ‘silly’ thing by those who do not know nor even acknowledge their Creator.  Yet prayer has ended wars, saved lives, and brought redeeming grace to those who have been lost.  This is my Word from the Lord to share with you this season:  Pray!  Pray, pray.

Welcome to Truth of the Spirit.  I’m your host, Patti Brunner

The first moments surrounding the New Year have been very special to me the last twenty years or so as a time to focus on listening to the Lord so as to allow the Lord to realign me on his path and to point out his plan for me personally and for any ministry he chooses for me.   His word for me to share this season is “Pray!”  As I visit with various family members, friends and fellow Catholics they often ask for my prayers for their needs.   I generally pray immediately and then my husband and I lift up these needs to God each evening as we pray together. 

I believe there is a deep need for prayer for all society.  The ‘disconnect’ of today’s society did not happen overnight yet truth covered by the effect of sin blocks the graces needed to overcome as a nation.  When generations are bogged down by the lack of truth, the need for conversion aka revival is more visible to those who live in the Truth and Light of Christ.  Fear not, the Light of Christ will never fade nor disappear even though the days become difficult.  The Great I Am is always near.  The power of the One True God is supreme and the powers of darkness are minimal indeed.  The power given to man makes jealous those rebellious angels of eternal darkness and in their vile jealousy they seek the ruin of the holy attributes of man and family which are so wonderfully witnessed by the Holy Family as described in scripture at Bethlehem.

Catechism 2590 says, “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God”.   Each person has a tremendous gift of freewill.  Prayers spoken to God through freewill are thus life changing events and can affect the ‘order’ of the consequences of the universal actions of others.  Mother Mary’s advice is “Pray, pray, pray!”

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to young Bernadette at Lourdes in 1858 and three children at Fatima in 1917 and Our Lady said “Pray for sinners.” At Beauraing (Bo rang), Belgium, in 1932 and 1933 she appeared to 5 children and she said: “Pray . . . Pray a great deal . . . Pray always.” 

Prayer can seem to be a ‘silly’ thing by those who do not know nor even acknowledge their Creator.  Yet prayer has ended wars, saved lives, and brought redeeming grace to those who have been lost.  This is my Word for you to share this season:  Pray!  Some refuse to pray saying they do not know how to pray.  They even search for the ‘perfect prayer’.  Our God who gave voice and thought to even the youngest of children, hears their cries.  Why would He not hear every person as they turn to Him?  The lost soul who can only cry out ‘Jesus!” or “Help me, Lord!’—that prayer is as eloquent as the most learned scholar or prayerful cloistered monk.  When a heart turns to Jesus in a free choice it [has] is given the Lord’s full attention and adequate grace is His response to lead them from darkness.  The Lord generally will place into motion other opportunities for them to find the sheepgate to return to the safety of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

The hearts of the faithful turn to God for solace in times of illness as they pray for loved ones and in time of grief as they pray for the repose of the soul of those who have succumbed through death.  The unfaithful sometimes pray or ask others to ‘handle’ it.  They pray without words from the depth of their hearts and when the grace rises/bubbles up from the deep they then voice a “Hail Mary” or two –when they have learned the words—or an ‘Our Father’.  This minimal prayer seems to be all they can find in the recesses of their minds.  This minimal prayer is received by the Lord who then invites them to more.  Some take the opportunity to grow in the Spirit and some shut down until the next opportunity brought forward by death, crisis or serious illness. 

One thing that you, or others of like mind, can do is offer prayer and personal little sacrifices for hearts to be unblocked and opened.  “Under “sacrifice” are included penance and reparation. We make sacrifices in order to offer penance for our own sins and reparation for the sins of others. Our Lady has repeatedly asked for sacrifice, for penance, and for reparation. During one of the apparitions at Lourdes, Bernadette turned toward the crowd and repeated Our Lady’s request for “Penitence! Penitence!” At Fatima Our Lady repeatedly asked for sacrifices. The last words of Our Lady at Beauraing were: “Do you love my Son? Do you love me? Then sacrifice yourself for me.”

 Catechism 2648 shares “Every joy and suffering, every event and need can become the matter for thanksgiving which, sharing in that of Christ, should fill one’s whole life: “Give thanks in all circumstances”.” , quoting Paul in  1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 18.   We can be grateful for our suffering. 

 The prayers of ‘deliverance’ that are aimed at those closed hearts can open them to grace.  There are prayers for the laity to pray in this regard. All intercessory prayer can benefit when prayed with love not condemnation.  ‘Forgive them Father, they know not what they do’ suffices when sin is present.  This releases your own judgment toward the sinner and allows Divine Mercy to come to their rescue.  But like the flood victim who refuses to get into the boat and the helicopter, free will is still theirs to choose truth once it is made clear to them.     

 Do you remember the story of the guy in the flood?  The police cars came around with loudspeakers and told everyone to evacuate but the guy responded, “I trust God to take care of me.”  Then the water started rising and the Red Cross rescuers came in by boat to evacuate him but the guy responded, “I trust God to take care of me.”   When the water was so high that the guy had to climb out on his roof, the coast guard came with a helicopter and the guy responded, “I trust God to take care of me.”    Then the current of the flood demolished his house and he drowned.  When he was met at the pearly gates for his judgement, he asked God, “Why didn’t you save me from the flood?”  And the Lord answered him, “I sent you the police, the Red Cross, and the Coast Guard!”  Free will is still theirs to choose truth once it is made clear to them.  Pray, pray, pray that the truth may be shared. 

God does not need our prayers to know our hearts but we need our prayers to understand our hearts desire and focus on the Lord.  Prayer is communication with the Supreme Deity, the Creator of the Universe, the King above all kings.  That we are even able to contact Him in such a simple way is a miracle.  It goes beyond reasonability that the Lord our God would listen to what we have to say and actually respond.  Yet we know this is the Way of God’s love for us.  This is one reason why those of intellect sometimes cannot accept the truth of God.  It goes beyond reason.  Yet, God gives us reason and intellect.  And He shows us in the person of Jesus that He wants this intimate relationship with Him.  Where two or three gather in His name he is present.  Where there is a prayer going forth, there is response.  Catechism 2591 says, “God tirelessly calls each person to this mysterious encounter with Himself. Prayer unfolds throughout the whole history of salvation as a reciprocal call between God and man.”   Pour out your heart to the Lord, God, your Creator.  He knows your needs and through prayer He takes care of them.

By choosing to pray we can imitate the woman God chose to be the mother of Christ.  Catechism 2622 says, “The prayers of the Virgin Mary, in her Fiat and Magnificat, are characterized by the generous offering of her whole being in faith.”  When appearing to various saints, Mother Mary requests us to pray.  All the angels and saints pray with us.  The souls in Purgatory send forth their prayers.  And the little child who prays “God bless Mommy, God bless and Daddy” carries on the tradition of the centuries.  And God listens and responds.

You’ve been listening to Truth of the Spirit.  I’m your host, Patti Brunner.  I invite you to check our playlists and listen to our earlier episodes; we have posted several on prayer including a series on prayer and in the Lenten Logos series.  And as you pray, ask the Lord for revival!  And then, come back for more.  Because with the Holy Spirit there’s always more!  Amen.

Note: Truth of the Spirit episodes to aid you in praying include TOS026  Prayer- Protection, Deliverance, and Cleansing with Sheila Canup; TOS027 Supernatural Prayer-Tongues with Rick Brunner; TOS028 Public Prayer-The Mass with Patti Brunner; TOS029 Praying the Scriptures with Ken Hunter; TS030 Healing Prayer with Lissa Applewhite; TOS031 Prayer Through Fasting  Patti Brunner; TOS066 Lenten Logos VI Prayer.